Thursday, March 30, 2017

Toolkit 3.1, 4.1, 5.1

Toolkit Activity 3.1 Generations at work

I belong in the Gen X category
40 years

1. What is the preferred length of a workday and the number of days worked per week?

I prefer to work 8 hours a day, Monday thru Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. 

2. Are you interested in flexible working hours? Working from home? Why or why not?

Flexible hours do not work well for me because of having two small children in daycare and school. Being on a regular schedule helps with managing my professional and family life. Working from home would be difficult. There would be so many distractions that may take you away from work. I would have to possess excellent time management skills.

3. Do you multitask  (do more than one thing at once) ?

I multitask and have no problems multitasking while in the workplace. It helps to be flexible and understand that multiple distractions occur.

4. What frequency and form of team meetings do you prefer?

I prefer small team meetings on a weekly basis.

5. What leadership style do you prefer? Why?

I like the transformation leadership style.   It inspires motivation while treating everyone as an individual.

6. What organizational rewards are meaningful to you? Why?

Organizational respect is the most meaningful to me. Of course, more pay is a close second.

7. How important is a balance between work and personal life to you? Explain.

Maintaining a balance is tricky between the two. I find it best not to overcompensate in either. Too much in either leads to the other one getting neglected.

Toolkit Activity 4.1 What Do Workers Want From Their Jobs

Promotion in the company - 4
Tactful discipline - 9
Job security - 3
Help with personal problems - 10
Personal loyalty of supervisor - 7
High wages - 5
Full appreciation of work being done - 6
Good working conditions - 2
Feeling of being in on things - 8
Interesting work - 1

1. In comparing the different ratings, what might account for the different opinions between you and your group?

Ratings are subjective and reflect each individual's mind set within the group. Some factors are age, what stage they are in their career, etc.

2. What might be the cause of the supervisor's rankings being so different from the employees?

The supervisor's ranking would differ from the employee's because of their mindset within the company. The supervisor may be well seasoned and has been with the company for a number of years already, thus, potentially ranking job security lower than an employee who is new and out to prove their worth to the company.

3. Do you think the results of this survey would change over time?

Absolutely. Rankings are dynamic and will change with an employee's experience and growth within the company.

Toolkit Activity 5.1 Understanding the Pygmalion Effect

Scenario 1

1. Is the manager communicating high or low expectations to the employee by his or her behavior?

The manager is presenting a daily status report outlining each employee's productivity. This does not communicate the manager's expectations.

2. How do you think the employee(s) will react to the manager's behavior? Choose several adjectives that you believe describe this reaction (e.g. , angry, motivated).

defeated, hostile, complacent, and jubilant

3. If low expectations are being communicated by the manager in the scenario, answer this question: If you were the manager in this scenario and wanted your employee(s) to respond in a positive manner, what would you have done differently?

I would set benchmarks for goals and have an award system in place for those who exceed them first.

4. If high expectations are being communicated by the manager in the scenario, discuss what benefits might result. For the sake of contrast, pretend the manager in the scenario held low expectations for the employee(s). What might that low expectation manager have done in these scenarios, and what would the result be?

The low expectation manager should get on the floor and observe the work habits of his employees. The observations could determine the causes of low productivity and error rates within the production line.

Case Study 5.1 Lombardi's Packers: From Last in the League to the Best Legs in the League

  1. How did Lombardi’s actions help change the players’ perceptions of themselves and their abilities?   Coach Lombardi set a clear guideline outlining his expectations for the players and the team. He held everyone accountable for their actions, even the superstars and veterans.  


2. The Packers culture was tolerant of losing before Lombardi took over. How might this culture have created a Golem effect?  The coach prior held low expectations for the team which enabled the team to accept and tolerate loss.

3. How did Lombardi’s changes to the team's’ professionalism and physical ability help change the identity the Packers had created for themselves and their team? Coach Lombardi was teaching them how a professional football player should act and feel like. He empowered his players and made them accountable for their actions off and on the field.

4. Lombardi instituted a rule that players could not drink standing at a bar.  While not all players would drink alcohol or visit bars, the actions of those who did would be attributed to the entire team.  What kind of effect is this?  Why is it important to manage perceptions held not only by oneself but also by others?  The primacy effect. Perception is everything within any organization. This is important as your peers will hold you accountable as well, creating strength and unity throughout.

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