Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Team Toolkit and Case Study 5.1

Team Toolkit and Case Study 5.1
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Team Toolkit 5.1: Understanding the Pygmalion Effect

As a group, we chose to review Scenario 1.
1. We felt that the manager is not communicating his expectations clearly and effectively. It does appear the manager has high expectations but he is not setting them in an appropriate manor.

2. Some employees may use the chart as a competitive tool and will improve in order to be ranked higher against their peers. Other employees will be embarrassed by their results which will lead to negativity and a decrease in both results and employee loyalty.

4. To better portray the manager's expectations, they first need to find the root cause of the decrease in results. The manager should meet with the employees and ask for their opinion in order to find the root cause and what motivates them to improve. More manager and employee interaction and collaboration will increase productivity and moral. 

Case Study 5.1: Lombardi’s Packers: From Last in the League to the Best Legs in the League
  1. How did Lombardi’s actions help change the players’ perceptions of themselves and their abilities?
         Lombardi was able to set high expectations and hold all players accountable. He did not
         pick any favorites. Holding the players to a higher standard gained the buy-in, 
         which evolved into them holding one another accountable for their actions on and off the

2. The Packers culture was tolerant of losing before Lombardi took over. How might this culture have created a Golem effect?

The prior coach did not set any penalty for any players who behave against the rules or if the team losses. Not holding anyone accountable for their behaviors and actions lead to the Golem effect. The coach prior to Lombardi did not set any expectation, which, in turn lead to a team culture that was use to losing.

3. How did Lombardi’s changes to the team's’ professionalism and physical ability help change the identity the Packers had created for themselves and their team?

The high expectations off the field let to the players feeling more confident in themselves. The professionalism that was required taught the players self-worth. This lead to the high expectations on the field which lead to higher performance and more games won.

4. Lombardi instituted a rule that players could not drink standing at a bar.  While not all players would drink alcohol or visit bars, the actions of those who did would be attributed to the entire team.  What kind of effect is this?  Why is it important to manage perceptions held not only by oneself but also by others?  

The main effect was the primacy effect- if one person was caught drinking at a bar, the whole team was. This leads to a higher level of holding yourself and others accountable. When all of the players are effected by one individual, it leads to that person behaving at a higher professional standard.

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