Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Team Formation
Review your proposed individual roles in the group: Find information about team roles and have each member describe their role, and why they feel confident they can fulfill their role.
Based on Belbin: Team Roles Summary Descriptions

In researching the roles team members must play in order to be an efficient team we came across the Belbin Team Role Inventory.  The system was devised by and named after Meredith Belbin to help describe the nine key roles every group must have to be successful.  Yet this does not mean nine members are needed in every group.  Instead it refers to the fact that any member of the group may hold one or more of the team role traits and you need all nine to have a successful team.  This is not to be mistaken for a personality test like the Myers-Briggs test as the Belbin Inventory scores an individual's behavioral traits from the nine different Team Roles based on how strongly they are expressed.   We have a very wide range of experience between the five team members in our group and believe we will have no problem covering the nine team roles needed to be successful.

Our team dynamic breakdown is as follows:
Dan - a Plant and a Shaper; he is a task focused individual who pursues his objectives while generating solutions to problems.
Ray - a Shaper and Teamworker; he likes to be challenged and works well with other members.
Sarah - a Resource Investigator and a Shaper; she enjoys networking and works best under pressure.
Kim- an Implementer and Completer Finisher; she is organized, practical, and stresses over perfection.
Mike- a Coordinator/Monitor Evaluator and a Specialist; he likes to clarify goals and tries to see all the options and angles to problems.  He is also full of both useful and useless knowledge.

Belbin Team Roles. (2016). Retrieved from http://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles/

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