Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Team Toolkit 3.1: Generations At Work

Team Toolkit 3.1: Generations At Work

Generations of our group:
Ray - Millennial
Mike - Gen X
Kim - Millennial -but on the cusp & ID with Gen X
Sarah -Millennial

Ages in our group:
Ages ranged from 25-37

  1. What is your preferred length of workday and the number of days worked per week?

As a group we were divided fairly evenly on preferences.  Half liked a regular 5 days, 8-hour work week while the other half preferred a flexible schedule of some sort.

2. Are you interested in working flexible working hours?  Working from home? Why or why not?

The group was pretty well agreed to wanting a flexible work week, if we can choose the flexible days/times, as well as the option to work from home.  Most reasons for the flexibility was better work-life balance and ability to work without distractions.

3. Do you multitask?

All were in agreement that we multi-task, and often!

4. What frequency and form of team meetings to you prefer?

The group had a consensus that weekly small meetings were good for casual conversations.
5. What style of leadership do you prefer?  Why?

The majority of us prefer a transformational style of leadership in which there is an element of a personal relationship with our boss in terms of career and motivational support.  We also preferred this style of leadership as it assumes competence and assists with development and growth in our careers.

6. What organizational rewards are meaningful to you? Why?

There were some differences among the group in what was most meaningful to us for rewards, but there was a common theme of increased pay/promotion. Increased responsibilities and respect were also mentioned.

7. How important is a balance between work and personal life to you? Explain.

Work-life balance is extremely important to all of us, and all for various reasons, but a common theme of spending time with family and friends was present as well as just enjoying life.

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