Wednesday, May 3, 2017

My Leadership Story

Who I am as a leader? Why?
I am an emerging leader who is learning to trust in her decision making ability and one who...over the course of this class...has become more aware. I am a focused and determined leader who has learned the beginnings of earning others respect. One of the most empowering and humbling things that I experienced in this was when Dr. Gower said to the entire class, about mid-way through the course “all of you are in this program because you are leaders. The very fact that you are here means that you already are a leader.” I think that really solidified and changed how I view myself as a leader and I think that will make all the difference. As a result of this class, my new motto is “own it and bring it”. I have learned that if I can demonstrate the confidence and knowledge then the rest will follow. I am a leader that is learning to trust in her decisions

Who do you want to be as leader?
After reflecting on Carnegie, I noticed that there are many ways I can improve relationships and influence people in the work place and as a result of reading this book, At the beginning of class I stated, I don't know if I've met or known a great leader. I still don't know, but I know that I want to be one. Based on Carnegie, I have started to think more about how I act and how I can phrase things to soften how they will be perceived by others. I want to be a leader that trusts and values the opinions of others. One who welcomes input and alternative suggestions, but one who embodies the practices of Lincoln and values each person I speak with and one who is able to accentuate and develop the strengths of others, because this is how I would want from a leader, so I will strive to be that person to others. Additionally, as leader I want to get to a point in my professional career where I matter, where my opinions, ideas and decisions are valued and carry weight.

What will help me get there?
Self-confidence, trust and practice will help me get there. I am very good at being humble in a professional environment, but not as good at announcing how I feel about something because I fear that my ideas will get shot down. I have learned that I can express my opinion in a way that is softened and and polished which will be more readily accepted than a blunt idea/suggestion. I need learn to develop a greater sense of self-confidence so that I can demonstrate my knowledge about the subject matter area. But this cannot exist on it's own, I also need to be trusted by others to make a knowledgeable and appropriate decision.

What parts of the class changed you, molded you, enhanced you, and challenged you?
The group structure definitely changed how I approached group work. I think it’s important to set expectations as well as express group fears at the beginning of a project, this builds an understanding and a foundation for trust.
How I think of myself as a leader enhanced and changed how I think about myself and how I interact and behave within an organization. The fact that I will be graduating from an MBA program demonstrates that I am a leader, and I just have to have the efficacy and awareness to back those credentials up. 
I was challenged by the workload and time commitment expected by this class. It was a challenge to create your own group identity, agenda and plan. This class is unlike any class that I have taken thus far in the MBA program due to the fact that we have had to wear many hats in this class, student, professional, team member, leader and volunteer. In my post collegiate work experience and my MBA program, I have learned that life is a juggling match and it's difficult to keep all the pins in the air at one time, but you just have to work as hard as you can every day to keep all pistons moving and celebrate the small successes in life. 

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