Monday, April 3, 2017

UMW Multicultural Fair Volunteer Refelection

I woke up at 4:00am this past Saturday and was out the door 45 minutes later en route to UMW. I immediately thought back to my time while on active duty. I regularly woke up at this time for 5 years! I needed to arrive by 5:30am. I found parking along College Ave. a few blocks down from the meeting spot. Mike spotted me walking by and we arrived together for the event. When we walked through the door, Kim greeted us with a pleasant smile and I immediately noticed that most of the volunteers were those from my class. By 6:15am we had received our assignments. My group was to set up a stage and 75 chairs. It was an enjoyable experience working with my group. After the initial assignment was completed, we started roaming the area to see where to help next. We worked with another group helping them set up a large tent that accommodated 250 people. As I was setting up for this event, I felt like I was back on the ship setting up for a command picnic or something. Needless to say, I was experiencing many fond memories from my time aboard the USS Monterey. I felt our team worked well together and I enjoyed watching Kim and Sarah chase down Sammy D. Eagle for a group photo opportunity. They were literally running after that mascot! I have to say that was the best part of day. Those girls were on a mission and were not to be denied.

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