Sunday, April 30, 2017

Group Dynamic

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I am not a huge fan of working in groups for school.  Unlike work, there is no real common goal or incentive for the group members to pull their weight as they are not getting paid.  When it comes to working in groups for school each student takes the class seriously on different levels and their work ethic reflects that, making the work more unbalanced.  That being said, out of all the groups I've worked with I liked this one the best.  I thought we worked very well together.  Sarah was the only one in the group that I have worked with in the past.  We work very well together and she is also from NY, giving us an automatic connection.  She is more creative in her approach to problems, which brought a new approach to the work dynamic.  Although Ray is pretty quiet in class, he is not quiet in a more intimate setting such as our group meetings.  Although he is 11 years younger than me, we got along quite well, perhaps because I see a lot of myself in him.  He also consistently finished his work on time, if not early, something I appreciate.  Dan and I had the most in common as we were both in the military for about the same amount of time, were both working full time while earning our degree, and attempting to balance work, school, and family.  He also had the hardest schedule to work with as he worked nights.  This was particularly difficult when it came to finding and arranging volunteer opportunities.  Finally, Kim was the group member that is a little OCD but in a good way, her OCD makes her a detail oriented person she was incredibly helpful to work with because she made sure the group was consistently meeting the standards and expectations laid out for us.  As I am not done with my degree yet, I am sure there will be more group projects in my future.  My hope is that they are made up of a people as enjoyable as these were to work with.

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